Minutes of the AGM held in All Saints Village Hall
Tuesday 10th September 2024 at 7.30 pm
Peter, welcomed those present, and gave brief details of the running order of the meeting.
Apologies: Mary Bromby
Present: Club Officials: Peter Goodenough, Sylvia Goodenough, Jean White, John Tipping, Joan Tipping, David Geach, Anne Geach, Janette Gay and Andy Gay.
Club Members: 13 other club members, and 1 visitor attended.
Minutes of the last AGM: These were read and agreed by all present.
Proposer: Linda Dodimead Seconded: Carol Birchby
Matters Arising: None
Chairman & Secretary Joint Report: In Brief – For the benefit of new members and visitors, David gave a brief summary of who we are and what we do throughout the year. He explained, what being a member of the Gold Club involved and what we are entitled to and how we receive discount vouchers and are also eligible for a discount evening. The Gold Club is run by The Gardens Group through Brimsmore Garden Centre, Castle Gardens and Poundbury Gardens Centres. He gave a brief account of some of the interesting and varied talks given to us throughout the year. He also mentioned our coach trip to Castle Drogo and our local garden evening visit to Badbury Flowers at Isle Brewers. Both of which were very good. David went on to thank all of the Committee Members for their dedication and hard work through the year. He also thanked the Members for their help and support and hope they will continue to come up with ideas and suggestions, and maybe even join the committee. Without your core support the Club would not exist. Thank you all of you. No issues or questions were put forward. NB. This is to be read in conjunction with the full chairman's and secretary’s report.
Treasurer’s Report In Brief- In the absence of Mary -Jean read the treasurer’s report which been compiled by Mary. In her report she explained about a missing cheque £261.75 for the hire of Long Sutton Village Hall, for the Daffodil Festival in 2022, which hadn’t been cashed and gone missing, so was added back into the account in 2023. In 2024 a payment request for this amount was received and finally paid out in 2024, which in turn distorted the account figures somewhat, making it look as if there was a deficit in the daffodil Festival end of year figures where there was a net surplus for the 2024 daffodil Festival. Mary had included a comprehensive schedule of the accounts detailing the fixed expenditures and the income for all the events held in 2023/2024. Both the Daffodil Festival and Christmas Buffet did very well again, having a positive effect on our income. The raffle held at the Christmas buffet added £70.00 to the total income, for this event. Based on our current reserves I recommend the membership subscriptions will remain unchanged at £15.00 single £25.00 for a couple. No Issues were put forward. NB: to be read in conjunction with the full schedule of accounts.
Programme Secretary’s Report John gave a comprehensive run down of the speakers arranged for the year, giving a brief description about each one. The speakers for 2024/2025 are listed in the Membership Card. The club coach outing for 2025 has yet to be decided but will be on 10th June. John is going to investigate 3 possible suggestions, these being Minterne Abbey, The American Museum in Bath, and Tredegar House and Gardens. Our discount evening will be at Brimsmore on 13th May. The evening visit on 8th July will be to a local NGS Garden and has yet to be arranged. John asked members for any suggestions for speakers or for club visits.
Show Secretary Report: In Brief- Sylvia is handing over the organising reins for the 2025 Daffodil Festival to Andy & Janette Gay and hopes you will continue to support them as you have supported her in the past. She wishes them well. The Daffodil Festival is on March 22nd 2025. Sylvia explained about the about the Bulbs paid up members have received – these are to grow and then be brought to the show in March as there is a trophy to be won. She went on to explain that out of 43 members only 21 actually exhibited. However, there were a total of 157 entries between them, so well done. There are a few tweaks to the show schedule for 2025, one of them being the Home-made Wine / Slow Gin is being made broader to include any Home-made Beverage/ Beer/Cider. But not from a Kit. An item of Craft can be Knitting / Crochet / Embroidery made in the last 12 months. The cake recipe will be provided by our Judge Naomi. And will be a separate flyer inside the show schedule. Please make sure you read your show schedule and lookout for any slight amendments that have been made. We hope you make the effort to enter in 2025 even if you haven’t done so before. It’s a good fun and a great afternoon. NB. To be read in conjunction with the full Show Secretary Report.
Revision to the Constitution: There is a need to update a small section of the Constitution to keep it in line with the new regime of BACS payments. David explained the change in wording and why it was necessary to do the amendment, which is to provide an audit trail when the accounts are being verified. The new wording was agreed as follows:- “All invoices/receipts for payments must be approved via email by one other committee signatory prior to payment by Treasurer via BACS.” Proposer: Neil Burrows Seconded: Linda Dodimead
Website: Joan gave out the website address and explained the type of information which can be found there. As our website is sponsored by Gold Club there are often posters relating to some of their upcoming and interesting events. Joan also places our Speakers Schedule and the Daffodil Festival Show Schedule is also placed there. It is a good advertising platform as it reaches a wider audience. Joan asked for topics or photos or even questions relating to anything which may be of interest or helpful to members which can be put on the website. She encouraged everyone to take a look as it is there for club members.
Election of New Committee Members and those who are willing to stand again. It was unanimously agreed to re-elect those committee members at the end of their term of office. These being Mary Bromby and Anne Geach. No new members came forward for election. Proposer: Carol Birchby Seconded: Joan Burrows
A.O.B Joan Burrows suggested we bring our surplus plants, cuttings or seeds, to the monthly meetings whereby a donation towards our funds could be made for the plants. Good Idea! The sachets of silicon gel can help to keep seeds dry. There was a request for anyone with spare raspberry canes they can bring in.
Presentation of Prizes for Monthly Competitions:
Janette thanked members for taking part in the monthly competitions for last year. She then read out the winners and prizes were presented by the President.
Single Bloom – Linda Dodimead
Flower - Joan Burrows
Houseplant - Janette Gay
Vegetable - John Tipping
Fruit - Jean White
Plug Plant - Joan Burrows
Meeting closed 8.20 pm approx.
Date of Next Committee Meeting – Tuesday November 5th 2024 @ Beechfield Farm
Peter Goodenough gave an interesting talk about the ‘Plants of the Somerset Hills, Levels & Moors