www.sedgemoorgardensclub.co.ukSedgemoor Gardens Club is a club for all those in the Langport area who are interested in growing plants and gardening. During the autumn/winter months (September - April) we meet once a month, on the second Tuesday, in All Saints Hall in Langport. We have a speaker every month (except in December when we have our Christmas buffet party and quiz) who usually starts talking about 7.40 pm. Before the talk we gather from 7pm onwards to chat and take part in monthly competitions. We also have regular seed swops and plant sales. After the talk there is time for a further chat over tea/coffee and biscuits and often a chance to buy plants from our speaker.
In March we hold our Spring Daffodil Festival in Long Sutton Village Hall. This is always a feast for the eyes, with the hall full of beautiful daffodils, tulips and sweet smelling hyacinths, as well as cakes and preserves. Although only members can enter the show, our judges are always impressed by the standard of our entries and have commented that some of our entries which fail to win prizes would in fact be prize winners in some much larger shows!
We are members of the Gardens Group Gold Club (Brimsmore is one of their garden centres) and as such get discounts and special offers on many plants and gardening items during the year. The Gold Club sponsors our website and hosts us for an evening of shopping, with 25% off everything, in May, giving us a talk with refreshments to finish off the evening. Our club outing is in June - the 2024 coach outing to Castle Drogo was a great success. In July we have a visit to a local garden, travelling in members' cars. This year's visit to the garden of Helen Toon took place on a perfect summer's evening and was enjoyed by all.
Our AGM is in September, followed by a short talk. We are a friendly bunch and would love to see some new faces so if you are interested, please contact our Secretary to find out more( Jean on 01458 259025) or, from September to April, just turn up at All Saints Hall on the second Tuesday of the month between 7 and 7.30 pm.
The cost of a year's single membership, payable in September, is £15, (£25 per couple). Members also buy a £1 lucky ticket, which then goes in the draw for a £5 garden token, at each of our meetings, and these fees allow us to pay for a wide range of interesting speakers. Non-members/visitors - £3 entrance fee.